Eos & Lark

Revolutionizing dating for busy people

Elevate Your Dating Approach with Complementary Laser Coaching

Only 10 spots available

Diane here. I'd like to invite you to a complimentary 15-minute coaching session that's focused on you. This is for you if you desire a romance based on deep connection, emotional intelligence, and high compatibility.

What is something that holds you back in your dating life?

  • I'll provide a customizable reflection exercise so you can get clear on the best question to ask now
  • After you submit your question (and any exercise reflections you want to share), you'll meet with me—the founder of Eos & Lark—for laser coaching
  • This is ideal for singles over 40, when the dating pool gets smaller and your standards get higher

In only 15 minutes, you'll be one step closer to finding lasting love with an amazing partner.

Sign up now. Spots are filling up!

    About Me

    I'm Diane Coradlo, a matchmaker (of sorts) and dating coach. I'm an adult learning expert with a 15-year career in the learning & development field. I'm answering a powerful soul calling to fix the broken dating scene through entrepreneurial innovation and heart-centered values. My vision is to help every person on this planet find lasting love if that's what they desire!

    I respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    With Love, Diane

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